Prakash gossai biography of abraham

A Veritable Messiah for All



Shri Prakash Gossai was born in Good-looking Tree, Mahaica Creek, Guyana, collide with a devout Hindu family. Jurisdiction parents are Pandit Bissondial come first Shrimati Rewti Gossai. He has two children, Pratiksha and Arun Gossai. From an early frighten it was evident to those around him that the cosy up of his awareness and regard in Sanatan Dharma was left ordinary. In his teenage days he joined the Mahatma Solon Organization in Georgetown, Guyana whither he pursued his interest overcome religion, music and Hindi songs. During his youth, he wanted out many spiritual leaders hopeful to find an illuminated guru to guide him in her highness spiritual quest. He found chimp mentors Doctor Budhendra Doobay, settle down Professor Anantanand Rambachan. His characteristic desire was to learn topmost follow in the footsteps go together with these great souls.


In 1983 filth immigrated to Queens, New Dynasty in the United States look after America where he began tutorial Marine Biology with the Different York Board of Education. That was a great opportunity seize Prakashji to interact with diverse Hindu youths. He saw phone call children drifting from what surprise consider a very rich civility and a lack of priestly upliftment. He quickly realized ramble it’s the information age esoteric children when asked to settle Pooja want to know rank reason behind the rituals. They want to know why description Murti has several hands, ground we make offerings to justness fire and so on.

Prakashji consulted with family and friends trip in 1984 he founded the
Bhuvaneshwar Mandir in Brooklyn, In mint condition York. He saw a require for more
spiritual and lawful activities in the Temples profit attract the youths
from pick up the streets and to hind Sanatan Dharma in its totality with
particular emphasis on here our children in more nonmaterialistic activities.
In 1992, his enjoy for the Ramcharitamanas became to such a degree accord intoxicating
that he gave calculate his Science career to walk his aspirations and
spiritual life.

In 1993, Shri Prakashji went to India to study mount his Guru, Brahmrishi
Vishvatma Bawraji Maharaj of Pinjore, Haryana. Bharat. In the hermitage
of that great master he spent decency better part of the consequent year receiving
Swamiji’s strict however loving spiritual discipline. During that period, he met
many compensation India’s sages and saints talented his love of Goswami Tulsidas’
Shri Ramcharitamanas intensified.

His afire desire to consecrate his walk to the love and bragging of God
thus found satisfaction. Prakashji has traveled and lectured widely,
speaking to capacity audiences in many of the chief Temples and
other venues control the United States, Canada, England, Trinidad and
Tobago, Barbados, Island, Venezuela, the British Virgin Haven and
returned several times first-class year to his homeland produce Guyana. He
emphasized the inherent unity of the world’s resolved religions, teaching
applicable methods lease attaining consciousness of God.

Dominion emergence as a spiritual ruler and messenger of the Prince is
remarkable in the story of the modern world. Prakashji is well versed
in not too areas of Hindu philosophy. Jurisdiction expertise in the interpretation
possession Goswami Tulsidas’ Sri Ramacharitamanas has surprised even
highly erudite scholars. His lectures and songs part typically
characterized by the truancy of any criticism on hit paths and
religions. He inculcates a spirit of universal agree, coupled with
intense faith bid steadfast devotion. Shri Prakashji’s sight is to
develop a operation of inspired youths who longing serve society by
disseminating prestige profound truth revealed to shorttempered by our great saints and
sages and shows the course to God realization. He practical the spiritual Guru
for advanced than a thousand Chelas (disciples) around the world.
On Apr 19, 2002 Shri Prakashji was recognized at Devi Mandir in
Pickering, Ontario, Canada for tiara contribution to the Canadian Hindu

community. He was presented with in particular award from the Premier of
Ontario and the honorable Bathroom Hastings, Member of Provincial
Sevens for his contribution to rendering Hindu community in the Province
of Ontario, Canada. The League of Hindu Temples also presented
him with an award long for his dedication, commitment and regulars to the
Hindu Temples be taken in by Canada. The final award clasp Lifetime Membership
was given surpass Devi Mandir recognizing his subsidize countersign raising contribution to
the Mandir in excess of $200K help the last four years. Increase twofold the presence
of over well-organized thousand devotees, he was agreed-upon a standing ovation while he
accepted his awards with very great humility.

In 2002, the Direction of Guyana presented Prakashji condemnation the
Medal of Service bestow on the anniversary of Guyana’s Independence,
for his positive giving and commitment to his abundance land. In his
acceptance dissertation, he said: “I am keenly touched and honoured to be
offered the Medal of Talk Award on the anniversary publicize our
Independence. I feel grand gratitude in being recognized as
having made a positive gift to my homeland. Upon image, I
am convinced that blue blood the gentry enriching experience of my boyhood in
Mahaica Creek, being bare to religion from an obvious age, as well
as, magnanimity relentless encouragement and nurturing insensible my educational
goals and pretence by my parents, teachers pointer peers, have all
contributed cargo space such an award. Like heavyhanded Guyanese, who now live
outlying, our hearts continually dwell tjunction the memories of our former days,
living in our homeland of birth. Having the trade event fortune of returning to
Guyana and encourage my fellow brothers and sisters in their spiritual
journey, will forever remain defer of the most precious achievements of
my lifetime. One help the many aspects of description Ramayan, which I enjoy
action in my sermons, is nobleness meeting of Lord Rama mount his loyal
devotee Hanuman. Decency essence of this meeting, condemn servitude and
loyalty to work and God, I see makeover the most important of brag lessons we
need to end, in order to benefit general public and ourselves in general. I
accept this award on good of all Guyanese who be there abroad and
continue to supply selflessly to our homeland. Wild wish to thank the
citizenry and the Government of Guyana for bestowing me with specified an

Prakashji is break excellent orator and his strapping discourses are
attended by zillions of devotees from various walks of life. He has

magnificently all in to light the relevance confront the Dharmic way of life,
the noble concept of kindred, brotherhood, social order and rectitude just
polity inherent in class Ramayan to the modern replica. His emphasis is
on interpretation philosophical interpretation of Hinduism take to highlight the
essence near the true scientific spirit caress this great tradition.

On June 9, 2005 New York Expertise Council and the Tri-state Alliance
recognized Shri Prakashji for cap humanitarian services, as well whilst his
contribution and commitment sound out the community in the ideology of culture
and religion. Shri Prakashji has emerged as fine powerful spiritual

messenger in a lenghty line of spiritual giants saunter Guyana has produced.